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The labelling feature in Factory Superstar may seem minor, but you'll find that you use it a lot.

Labels can be printed as:

  • Shipping labels for Sales Orders
  • Component labels
  • General labels for whatever you want

Configure Label Format​

Before you print any labels, make sure your label format has been correctly configured in Factory Superstar. Go to Settings->Labels.


When you create a Factory Superstar account it comes pre-configured with a label called 'default label (for 6x4 printer)'. We find that this is suitable for the 6x4 label printers that are very popular as shipping labels.

You will see a list of the labels configured in the system. Each label format can be a different size.

Click Add Label.


Call your label whatever you want. 'Small labels', 'C19 labels', whatever.


Measure your label - get a ruler or measuring tape, and physically measure it as per the drawing below. Input the numbers into the label configuration.

An image from the static

Default Label​

The 'default' label is the one that will be automatically selected whenever you go to print a label (if you use multiple label formats then when you print a label you can simply click on another label format and it will quickly change, but best to keep the size you use most often as the default label to save any confusion).

Test Label​

When you've added a label, click 'test print'. Print it and check if it's been configured correctly. If it doesn't, click 'edit' and adjust the dimensions accordingly.

Printing Labels​

There are a number of ways you can print labels in Factory Superstar.

Sales Orders​

Go to Sales->click a Sales Order (or Sales->Dispatch->print label) and click 'label'. You'll see the label page, pre-populated with the delivery address, and return address details. You can click print or right click->print... to print.


There are some occasions when you want to provide a different return address (for example if your business manufacturers drop-shipped products). You can specify a different return address for each Sales Channel Sales->Sales Channels, and choose whether to show that address or not.

Company Logo

You can configure your company logo to appear on Sales Order labels. Go to Settings, add a logo and select 'use this logo on labels'.

QR codes​

Every label automatically generated by Factory Superstar has a QR code. This can be scanned using a mobile device with camera, or with a dedicated reader (available online).

The QR code links to the relevant page on Factory Superstar so you can see more information about the item. For example, if the QR code is on a Sales Order label it will take you to the relevant Sales Order, or if an inventory component it will show you the page for that component so you can see cost/purchase history, etc.

Adding Notes to Labels​

Go to the 'print label' page, and type something in the box that says 'add a note to label'. You'll see that it appears on the label. This can be useful - 'dispatch as a priority', or 'leave next door if customer isn't home'.

Custom / Blank Labels​


Labels are very useful when running a business, and not only for Sales Orders or stock components.

You'd maybe use them for labelling racking or documents, or signs for the office.

In Factory Superstar go to any label and click the 'show / hide main text' button. You can then write anything you want using the 'add a note' box.

We use this facility all the time - you've already configured your label printer, so this saves having to open up a separate program to print labels.