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You can set up your Factory Superstar account with any number of users.


In the same way that your employees have different roles within your business, you can set them up with different roles and permissions within Factory Superstar.

The roles available are:


This is the person who first creates a Factory Superstar account for your business. They can do everything, including add and remove users, analysing company performance, and are responsible for billing and all the company settings. They can add 'bought' items and definitions to the system.


The same as an Owner, except they cannot:

  • add / remove users.
  • add / remove / edit label formats.
  • change or view company settings.
  • change or view Factory Superstar billing settings.


A 'user' would be an admin employee who needs to be able to perform day to day tasks (add Sales Orders, Production Orders, Purchase Orders), but can't make changes to the configuration of Factory Superstar or view sensitive information like costs and analysis.

'Users' can:

  • Create and modify Sales Orders, Quotes, Production Orders, Purchase Orders, Dispatch.
  • View (but not modify or create) Couriers, Sales Channels, Customers, Suppliers, Stock Components, Definitions, Categories, Locations, Purchase Orders.
  • Update stock counts, dispatch items, and mark Purchase Orders as having arrived.

'Users' cannot:

  • Add or remove 'bought' items, or definitions.
  • View sensitive cost information (like hourly rates, sales analysis, costs to produce).
  • Change the configuration of Factory Superstar (e.g. they can't create or edit label formats, remove Suppliers or Processes, or change the minimum allowable stock quantities for components).


An operator can be either a person or a workstation. The operator role is the most restricted role in Factory Superstar.

Operators can only:

  • View the Production->Process pages, and mark an item as having been completed or rejected.
  • Update the dispatch status of an order through Sales->Dispatch (they can also print labels through this page).

The operator role can be restricted to a specific process (see below).

Add a User​


The amount of active users you can have in Factory Superstar depends on the number of bundles your Factory Superstar subscription covers. Remember you can add additional bundles, or archive inactive users, to add more users.

To add a user, go to Settings->Users->Add User Account. Fill in the details:


The name of the user. If it's a person you'd want their name here, or if it's a workstation you could put something like 'Wood Cutting'.

Email / Username​

Users can either log in using an email address or a username.

If they use an email address they will receive a verification email after the user has been added. They will be able to change their password of their own accord.

Username login is useful if the user doesn't have an email address - e.g. if they're a shop floor operator, or the user is an operator account to be used as a workstation. The username can be anything, though if the same username exists elsewhere in Factory Superstar then you'll be asked to choose another one. If the account uses the username login then it will be you (as the Owner of the Factory Superstar account for your organisation) who sets their password - you'll be prompted to do this after creating the account.


Select the role (as above).

Restrict an Operator to a Process​

The operator role can be restricted to a specific process. This means that when they log on to Factory Superstar it will immediately show the page of the process of your choice and they cannot view any other process or page. This is ideal if the operator account in question is to be used at a workstation.


Your company makes furniture. You have four processes:

  • Wood Cutting
  • Wood Finishing
  • Assembly
  • Packaging

You could set up an operator account to be restricted to the 'Wood Cutting' process. You could then add a screen in your workshop where you cut the wood (see Digitising the Factory Floor) which logs on to this operator account. This means that this screen will always show what is to be cut, and in what priority. The person doing the cutting would click the big green button on the page when they've cut the item requested, and Factory Superstar will arrange the next steps.

To restrict an operator, go to Settings->Users and select an operator account. Under 'User Account Details', see the field 'Restricted to Process'. Click the 'edit' button next to this and select a Process.


Only 'operator' accounts can be restricted to a process - this option won't show for other user account types.

Archiving Users​

Just like many things in Factory Superstar, you can archive users. In addition to keeping things tidy, it means that user no longer takes up any of your user quota (as determined by how much you pay for your Factory Superstar subscription).

To archive users go to Settings->Users->click a user and click the 'archive' button on the top right.

Archived users won't show on the user account list when you go to Settings->Users, but you can re-activate them at any time. To de-archive, go to Settings->Users, click 'view all' (or search for the user), select the user, and click 'de-archive'.


You can only de-archive users if your Factory Superstar subscription allows for the addition of more users.